
Easy Cryptic Crossword 2020-01-21

Easy Cryptic Crossword from Simple Daily Puzzles 2020-01-21 (26/26)

Still trying to understand these clues:

  • (all good!)

The clues:

1a – They are cold-blooded and calculating! (6)

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Double definition; adders (snakes) are cold-blooded, and adding is a type of calculating

4a – Boats made of sticks, with nothing inside (6)

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Boats is the definition, with inside as an indicator that O (which looks like zero, or nothing) should be put into a word for sticks (CANES): CAN(O)ES

8a – Conclusive evidence of strength of liquor (5)

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Double definition, with proof meaning both conclusive evidence and strength of liquor

9a – Stories supplied if tonic is ordered (7)

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Stories is the definition, with ordered as an anagram indicator for if tonic

10a – A month with a girl (7)

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Girl is the definition (Augusta is a girl‘s name) with the rest as a charades clue: AUGUST + A

11a – Is little Susan having children? (5)

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Children is the definition (issue meaning progeny), with the rest as a charades clue: IS (is) + SUE (little Susan)

12a – Very many of you on the beach? (9)

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Very many is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: THOU (you) + SANDS (on the beach)

17a – Check the accounts of German car trader first (5)

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Check the accounts is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: AUDI (German car) + T (bits and pieces clue for trader)

19a – Further loan (7)

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Double definition, with advance meaning both further and loan

21a – Diminish as a result of docking? (4,3)

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Ugh. Diminish is the definition, with the rest as a cryptic definition: the result of docking is that a dog’s tail is off 🙁

22a – French city scroll, illegible in part (5)

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French city is the definition, with in part as a hidden word indicator for scrol(l ille)gible

23a – The flavour of mackerel is horrible (6)

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Flavour is the definition, with of as a hidden word indicator for macke(rel is h)orrible

24a – Old girl often in distress? (6)

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Double definition, with a damsel being a woman (an old girl) and also often in distress in stories

1d – Be seen to edit a paper (6)

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Be seen is the definition, with edit as an anagram indicator for a paper

2d – Doctor should see dry condition (7)

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Dry condition is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: DR (doctor) + OUGHT (should)

3d – First breaks, then splits! (5)

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Splits is the definition, with breaks as an anagram indicator for first

5d – Lots for sale here (7)

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Cryptic definition; things at an auction are sold in lots

6d – Terribly moist leaves out! (5)

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Leaves out is the definition, with terribly as an anagram indicator for moist

7d – It has around ten numbers and fourteen lines (6)

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Fourteen lines is the definition, with around as a reversal indicator for a charades clue: TEN (ten) + NOS (numbers)

9d – Standard-bearer taking stones to Welsh river (9)

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Standard-bearer is the definition (kind of a cryptic definition; it holds a flag), with the rest as a charades clue: FLAGS (stones, like flagstones) + TAFF (Welsh river)

13d – Work is not about making choices (7)

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Choices is the definition, with about the rest as a charades clue: OP (work, as in opus) + TIONS (about is an anagram indicator for is not)

14d – Carol and Leslie – they aren’t married (7)

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They aren't married is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: SING (carol, like the christmas song) + LES (Leslie)

15d – Transporter for former US president (6)

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Double definition, with Carter being a former US president, and also somebody who transports things with a cart

16d – Make merry, taking in a show (6)

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Show is the definition, with taking in as an indicator that A should go into a word for make merry (REVEL): REVE(A)L

18d – Exercise makes doctor unwell (5)

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Exercise is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: DR (doctor) + ILL (unwell)

20d – Residence in which all four turn up (5)

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Residence is the definition, with turn up as a reversal indicator for the charades clue: ALL (all) + IV (roman numeral for four)