
Easy Cryptic Crossword 2020-07-02

Easy Cryptic Crossword from Simple Daily Puzzles 2020-07-02 (26/28)

Still trying to understand these clues:

  • (all good!)

The clues:

1a – Direction for traffic remaining behind castle (4,4)

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Direction for traffic is the definition, with behind as an indicator that LEFT (remaining) goes after KEEP (castle)

5a – Facile and insincere and taking liberties? Not entirely (4)

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Facile and insincere is the definition, with not entirely as a hidden word indicator for takin(g lib)erties

8a – No end for reluctant states (5)

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States is the definition, with no end as an indicator to remove the last letter from AVERSE (reluctant)

9a – Pariah not at home with actors (7)

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Pariah is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: OUT (not at home) + CAST (actors)

11a – A symbol of authority must involve respect (7)

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Symbol of authority is the definition, with involve as an anagram indicator for respect

12a – Lee is unusual name for girl (5)

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Name for girl is the definition, with unusual as an anagram indicator for Lee is

13a – What’s left of property? (6)

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Cryptic definition; an estate is what remains of someone’s property

15a – Commanding officer entertained by one clergyman or another (6)

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Another (clergyman) is the definition, with entertained as an indicator that DEAN (one clergyman) contains CO (abbreviation for commanding officer): DEA(CO)N

18a – Fire that’s hot inside cabin (5)

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Cabin is the definition, with inside as an indicator that H (abbreviation for hot) goes inside a word for fire (sack, as in fire from a job)

20a – Record about American sailor providing ingredient for pie? (7)

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Ingredient for pie is the definition, with about as an indicator that CD (record) goes around USTAR (charades clue, US (American) + TAR (sailor)): C(USTAR)D

23a – We heard vowel sounds (3,3,1)

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We is the definition, with heard as a homophone indicator for the vowel sounds U and I

24a – Stone outside good school (5)

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School is the definition (Rugby School is a boarding school, and the birthplace of rugby football), with outside as an indicator that G (abbreviation for good) goes into RUBY (stone): RU(G)BY

25a – Profound philosopher’s first seen by river (4)

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Profound is the definition with seen by as an indicator that P (philosopher's first, or the first letter of philosopher) goes next to DEE (river, the River Dee in Scotland)

26a – Some politicians were definitely acknowledged (8)

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Acknowledged is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: ANS (some politicians, or part of the word politicians) + WERE (were) + D (abbreviation for definitely)

1d – Poet providing king with grub (5)

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Poet is the definition (John Keats), with the rest as a charades clue: K (abbreviation for king) + EATS (grub)

2d – Mountain enshrouded in severe storm (7)

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Mountain is the definition, with enshrouded in as a hidden word indicator for s(evere st)orm

3d – We may hear lean composer (5)

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Composer is the definition (Franz Liszt), with hear as a homophone indicator for LIST (lean)

4d – Female cow? Buttercup, for example (6)

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Buttercup for example is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: F (abbreviation for female) + LOWER (cow, because cows low)

6d – Plenty of boys retaining nothing (5)

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Plenty is the definition, with retaining as an indicator that O (looks like zero or nothing) goes into LADS (boys): L(O)ADS

7d – Please German sailors with bird (7)

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Bird is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: BITTE (please German, or German for the word please) + RN (abbreviation for Royal Navy, sailors)

10d – Subject of article by yours truly (5)

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Subject is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: THE (article) + ME (yours truly)

13d – Some colleges say education is attempted (7)

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Attempted is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: ES (some colleges, or part of the word colleges) + SAY (say) + ED (abbreviation for education)

14d – Nominal figure about right (5)

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Nominal is the definition, with about as an indicator that TEN (a number, or figure) goes around OK (right): T(OK)EN

16d – One expecting payment for warhorse? (7)

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Double definition, with a charger being one expecting payment and also a warhorse

17d – Armed conflict I observed in part of London (6)

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Armed conflict is the definition, with observed in as an indicator that I goes into ACTON (part of London)

19d – A clipped English accent (5)

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Accent is the definition (this diacritic), with the rest as a charades clue: A (a) + CUT (clipped) + E (abbreviation for English)

21d – Small team for prison guard (5)

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Prison guard is the definition (screw is slang for prison guard), with the rest as a charades clue: S (abbreviation for small) + CREW (team)

22d – Uninteresting commercial for nymph (5)

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Nymph is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: DRY (uninteresting) + AD (commercial)