
Easy Cryptic Crossword 2021-08-29

Easy Cryptic Crossword from Simple Daily Puzzles 2021-08-29 (28/28)

Still trying to fully understand these clues:

  • Substance agency has in mind (5)

The clues:

1a – Search thoroughly for groom (4)

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Double definition, with comb meaning search thoroughly and also being a way to groom yourself

3a – Viking calls man back (8)

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Viking is the definition, with back as a reversal indicator on NAMES (calls) + RON (a man‘s name)

9a – Unconventional — like a retired policeman? (7)

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Unconventional is the definition, with the rest as a cryptic definition; a retired policeman is off his beat

10a – Girl showing some honest affection (5)

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Girl is the definition, with some as a hidden word indicator for hone(st aff)ection

11a – Substance agency has in mind (5)

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Triple definition?

  • has in mind (this is what she means)
  • agency (she has the means to do something)
  • substance (??)

12a – Growin’ dried fruit (6)

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Dried fruit is the definition, with the rest as a cryptic definition: raisin‘ something is growin‘ it

14a – One grows flowers (6)

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Flowers is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: I (looks like a one) + RISES (grows)

16a – Stick with a Scottish island (6)

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Scottish island is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: STAFF (stick) + A (a)

19a – Tight header in beautiful game (6)

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Tight is the definition (meaning drunk), with the rest as a charades clue: B (header in beautiful, first letter of beautiful) + LOTTO (a game)

21a – Africans, as in Mali, left out (5)

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Africans is the definition, with in as indicator to add AS (as) to MALI (Mali), and out as an indicator to remove L (abbreviation for left): M(AS)AI

24a – Enchanted soldier in raincoat (5)

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Enchanted is the definition, with in as an indicator to put GI (soldier) into MAC (raincoat): MA(GI)C

25a – Hairstyle from which combs may be taken (7)

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Double definition; a beehive is a hairstyle, and you can take (honey)combs from a beehive

26a – Royalist wandering without companions (8)

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Without companions is the definition, with wandering as an anagram indicator for royalist

27a – Ringleader put in charge is unrestricted (4)

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Unrestricted is the definition, with put in as an indicator to put R (ringleader, the first letter of ring) into FEE (charge): F(R)EE

1d – How mince is cooked for a Chinese dish (4,4)

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Chinese dish is the definition, with cooked as an anagram indicator for how mince

2d – Criminals held back by Thai family (5)

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Criminals is the definition, with held back as a hidden word and reversal indicator for Th(ai fam)ily

4d – Animals ordered to rest (6)

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Animals is the definition, with ordered as an anagram indicator for to rest

5d – Egyptian peninsula or some Egyptian islands seen from the south (5)

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Egyptian peninsula is the definition, with seen from the south as a reversal indicator, and some as a hidden word indicator for Egypt(ian is)lands

6d – Old woman with unyielding dog (7)

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Dog is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: MA (old woman) + STIFF (unyielding)

7d – New nosh not in a mess (4)

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Not in a mess is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: N (abbreviation for new) + EAT (nosh)

8d – Reputed monster is seen to be ridiculous (6)

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Reputed monster is the definition, with ridiculous as an anagram indicator for is seen

13d – Islanders queue in HQ (8)

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Islanders is the definition, with in as an indicator to put LINE (queue) into BASE (HQ): BA(LINE)SE

15d – Sick bird, we hear, is unlawful (7)

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Unlawful is the definition, with hear as a homophone indicator for ILL EAGLE (sick bird)

17d – Wood or metal initially placed in river (6)

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Wood is the definition, with placed in as an indicator to put M (metal initially, first letter of metal) into TIBER (river): TI(M)BER

18d – Storage unit in South African aircraft? (6)

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Aircraft is the definition, with in as an indicator to put MB (abbreviation for megabyte, a storage unit) into BOER (a South African): BO(MB)ER

20d – One should be engaged in diplomacy, it’s implied (5)

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Implied is the definition, with engaged in as an indicator to put I (looks like a one) into TACT (diplomacy): TAC(I)T

22d – A riskier finish for a winter sportsman (5)

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Winter sportsman is the definition, with finish as an indicator to take the last part of riskier

23d – Audio equipment in Hampstead (4)

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Audio equipment is the definition, with in as a hidden word indicator for H(amps)tead

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