
Easy Cryptic Crossword 2021-08-31

Easy Cryptic Crossword from Simple Daily Puzzles 2021-08-31 (28/28)

Still trying to understand these clues:

  • (all good!)

The clues:

1a – “Doubt” set in quotes (8)

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Doubt is the definition, with set as an anagram indicator for in quotes

5a – American editor employed (4)

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Employed is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: US (American) + ED (abbreviation for editor)

8a – Mother backing our love affair (5)

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Love affair is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: AM (backing is a reversal indicator for Mother) + OUR (our)

9a – Former currency, mostly, for French chemist (7)

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French chemist is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: PAST (former) + EUR (mostly is a subtraction indicator for EURO, a currency)

11a – Horsemen on board? (7)

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Cryptic definition; knights are the horsemen on a chess board

12a – A ringleader captured by police is bitter (5)

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Bitter is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: A (a) + C(R)ID (captured is an indicator that R, the first letter of ring (ringleader), goes into CID (police))

13a – Just circling outskirts of Prague for all to see (6)

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For all to see is the definition, with circling as an indicator that PE (outskirts of Prague, its first and last letters) goes into ONLY (just): O(PE)NLY

15a – Scared leaders of army facing attack (6)

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Scared is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: AF (leaders of army facing, the first letters of those words) + RAID (attack)

18a – Colour that is constant in salt water (5)

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Colour is the definition, with in as an indicator that PI (a constant) goes into SEA (salt water): SE(PI)A

20a – Novel best in a French resort (7)

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French resort is the definition, with novel as an anagram indicator for best in a

23a – Odd male with red and green stone (7)

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Green stone is the definition, with odd as an anagram indicator for male red

24a – Acknowledge being extremely awkward with German (5)

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Acknowledge is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: AD (extremely awkward, the first and last letters of awkward) + MIT (German for with)

25a – Perfume, we hear, that’s dispatched (4)

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Dispatched is the definition, with hear as a homophone indicator for SCENT (perfume)

26a – Name ship after Irishman (8)

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Irishman is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: DUB (name) + LINER (ship)

1d – Doctor has to sound like a duck (5)

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Double definition, with quack meaning sound like a duck, and also sometimes referring to a doctor

2d – English reason for showing a lot of feeling (7)

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Showing a lot of feeling is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: E (abbreviation for English) + MOTIVE (reason)

3d – Part of loft or chimney set on fire  (5)

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Set on fire is the definition, with part of as a hidden word indicator for lof(t or ch)imney

4d – Resist work and put on airs (6)

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Resist is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: OP (abbreviation for opus, meaning work) + POSE (put on airs)

6d – Quiet noble’s short cut (5)

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Cut is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: SH (quiet) + EAR (short is a subtraction indicator for EARL, a noble)

7d – Mocked, having got free in action (7)

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Mocked is the definition, with in as an indicator that RID (got free) goes into DEED (action): DE(RID)ED/spoiler]

10d – Employees held in the utmost affection (5) [spoiler title="show answer"]STAFF

Employees is the definition, with held in as a hidden word indicator for utmo(st aff)ection

13d – Yes, sort out molluscs (7)

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Molluscs is the definition, with out as an anagram indicator for yes sort

14d – Animal left with Tibetan monk (5)

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Animal is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: L (abbreviation for left) + LAMA (Tibetan monk)

16d – Blue man turned white (7)

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White is the definition (egg white), with turned as an anagram indicator for blue man

17d – Carriage from Queensland, Australia (6)

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Carriage is the definition (a landau is a four-wheeled carriage), with from as a hidden word indicator for Queensl(and Au)stralia

19d – Writer holds note for groom (5)

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Groom is the definition, with holds as an indicator that RE (a note) goes into PEN (writer): P(RE)EN

21d – Lag behind dog crossing river (5)

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Lag is the definition, with crossing as an indicator that R (abbreviation for river) goes into TAIL (behind dog)

22d – Indian instrument is taken up by sailor (5)

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Indian instrument is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: SI (taken up is a reversal indicator for is) + TAR (slang for sailor)

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