
Easy Cryptic Crossword 2021-12-29

Easy Cryptic Crossword from Simple Daily Puzzles 2021-12-29 (23/23)

Still trying to understand these clues:

  • (all good!)

The clues:

1a – Inferior supporter precedes superior (6,4)

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Inferior is the definition, with precedes as an indicator to put SECOND (supporter) before BEST (superior)

7a – Erupt suddenly on holiday abroad? (5,3)

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Erupt suddenly is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: BREAK (holiday) + OUT (abroad)

8a – Small county in which flowers are grown (4)

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Double definition; Beds is an abbreviation for Bedfordshire, a small county, and also beds are where flowers are grown

9a – Egypt’s river would be nothing without Egypt’s capital (4)

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Egypt's river is the definition; without is an indicator to remove E (Egypt's capital, first letter of Egypt) from that to get NIL (nothing)

10a – Thai leader held by Japanese leader yields weapon (7)

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Weapon is the definition, with held by as an indicator to put T (Thai leader, first letter of Thai) into SHOGUN (Japanese leader): SHO(T)GUN

12a – Toleration for animal breaking cane (11)

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Toleration is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: FOR (for) + BEAR (animal) + ANCE (breaking is an anagram indicator for cane)

14a – Conductor seen in the morning behind a tree (7)

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Conductor is the definition (Thomas Beecham), with behind as an indicator to put AM (morning) after BEECH (a tree)

16a – Attempt – to use a dagger (4)

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Double definition, with stab meaning attempt (take a stab at something) and also to use a dagger

19a – Manchester footballers not united? (4)

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Cryptic definition; Manchester City is different from Manchester United

20a – Hen that’s red with black spots? (8)

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Red with black spots is the definition (describes a ladybird or ladybug) with the rest as a cryptic definition (a hen is a lady bird)

21a – Simpleton handed rude letters (10)

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Simpleton is the definition, with letters as an anagram indicator for handed rude

1d – Sound warning for a temptress? (5)

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Double definition, with a siren being a temptress and also a warning using sound

2d – Toady – one who moves slowly (7)

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Double definition; one who crawls moves slowly, and toady and crawler are both words meaning sycophant

3d – Gas in mine one detected (4)

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Gas is the definition, with detected in as hidden word indicators for mi(ne on)e

4d – Look at these shopkeepers (8)

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Double definition; butchers are shopkeepers, and butcher's is cockney rhyming slang for look (rhymes with butcher's hook)

5d – Boast about wooden shoe (5)

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Wooden shoe is the definition, with about as an anagram indicator for boast

6d – Put forward expert holding dud parts (6)

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Put forward is the definition, with holding as an indicator to put DDU (parts is an anagram indicator for dud) into ACE (expert): A(DDU)CE

11d – Thorough girl and boy turning up (8)

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Thorough is the definition, with turning up as a reversal indicator for DELIA (a girl‘s name) + TED (a boy‘s name)

12d – Sort of diet that is offensive (6)

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Offensive is the definition, with sort as an anagram indicator for of diet

13d – Famous aristocrat entertains part-time soldiers (7)

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15d – A rodent, being shy, rolled up (5)

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A rodent is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: COY (shy) + PU (rolled is an anagram indicator for up)

17d – Governors, we hear, suffering from tedium (5)

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Suffering from tedium is the definition, with we hear as a homophone indicator for BOARD (governors)

18d – River forming part of a modern European border (4)

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River and European border are both definitions, with part of as an hidden word indicator for m(oder)n

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