
Guardian Quick Cryptic Crossword 20

Guardian Quick Cryptic Crossword 20 (20/20)

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The clues:

1a One sitcom’s funny for financial experts (10)

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Financial experts is the definition, with funny as an anagram indicator for one sitcom

7a Invitee made suppositions loudly (5)

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Invitee is the definition, with loudly as a soundalike indicator for GUESSED (made suppositions)

8a Equine speaking with a croaky voice (5)

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Equine is the definition, with speaking as a soundalike indicator for with a croaky voice

9a Get mousse regularly for Aussie natives that can’t fly (4)

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Aussie natives that can't fly is the definition, with regularly as an indicator to take every other character of get mousse

10a Drug picked up for leading female protagonist (6)

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Drug is the definition, with picked up as a soundalike indicator for HEROINE (leading female protagonist)

13a Trendy school for cricket, for example (6)

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Cricket for example is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: IN (trendy) + SECT (school)

14a Eye infection from filthy place, we’re told (4)

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Eye infection is the definition, with we're told as a soundalike indicator for STY (filthy place)

16a At regular intervals, floor chummy stand-in doctor (5)

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Stand-in doctor is the definition, with at regular intervals as an indicator to take every other letter of floor chummy

18a Little bird caught by American bumpkin (5)

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Little bird is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: C (caught, a cricket abbreviation) + HICK (American bumpkin)

19a Reporter’s still providing writing materials (10)

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Writing materials is the definition, with reporter's as a soundalike indicator for STATIONARY (still)

2d By the sound of it, verifies payment orders (7)

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Payment orders is the definition, with by the sound of it as a soundalike indicator for CHECKS (verifies)

3d Brief message in bottle, regularly (4)

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Brief message is the definition, with regularly as an indicator to take every other letter of in bottle

4d Composer from Harlem, strangely (6)

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Composer is the definition, with strangely as an anagram indicator for Harlem

5d Skiers, oddly, getting male teacher (3)

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Male teacher is the definition, with oddly as an indicator to take odd numbered letters in skiers

6d American novelist bites neck foolishly (9)

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American novelist is the definition, with foolishly as an anagram indicator for bites neck

7d In speech, apes irregular soldiers (9)

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Irregular soldiers is the definition, with in speech as a soundalike indicator for GORILLAS (apes)

11d Piece of data that’s very different to rule I amended (7)

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Piece of data that's very different is the definition with amended as an anagram indicator for to rule I

12d Naughty child, one getting breaded seafood (6)

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Breaded seafood is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: SCAMP (naughty child) + I (looks like a one)

15d The compiler with Tory person who’s venerated (4)

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Person who's venerated is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: I (the compiler) + CON (short for conservative, such as a Tory)

17d Even bits of ice heap in hot drink (3)

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Hot drink is the definition, with even bits of as an indicator to take the even letters of ice heap

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