
Guardian Quick Cryptic Crossword 17

Guardian Quick Cryptic Crossword 17 (25/25)

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The clues:

1a Scandalous figures clad inappropriately (11)

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Scandalous is the definition, with inappropriately as an anagram indicator for figures clad

7a Snake finished going round US emergency room (7)

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Snake is the definition, with going round as an indicator to insert ER (US emergency room) into SPENT (finished): S(ER)PENT

8a Make a note of timber (3)

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Double definition, with log meaning make a note of and a log being a piece of timber

9a Match officials embracing energy banks (5)

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Banks is the definition, with embracing as an indicator to insert E (abbreviation for energy) into REFS (match officials): RE(E)FS

12a Clean number in advance (5)

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Clean is the definition, with in as an indicator to insert N (abbreviation for number) into RISE (advance): RI(N)SE

15a Voice total (5)

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Double definition, with utter meaning both voice and total

16a Audibly step and gaze (5)

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Gaze is the definition, with audibly as an homophone indicator for STAIR (step)

18a Celebration of chocolate from mixed bag (5)

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Double definition, with revel meaning celebration and Revel being a brand of chocolate with mixed flavors in a bag

20a Heard pair as well (3)

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As well is the definition, with heard as an homophone indicator for TWO (pair)

21a Pays no attention to revolting regions (7)

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Pays no attention to is the definition, with revolting as an anagram indicator for regions

23a Pompous pioneer tuts randomly (11)

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Pompous is the definition, with randomly as an anagram indicator for pioneer tuts

1d Leaves puddings for auditor (7)

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Leaves is the definition, with auditor as a homophone indicator for DESSERTS (puddings)

2d Wait on start of tennis game (5)

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Double definition, with serve meaning both wait on and start of tennis game

3d Grass twisted in wrong direction we hear (3)

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Grass is the definition, with we hear as an homophone indicator for WRY (twisted in wrong direction)

4d Terrace rearranged for food provider (7)

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Food provider is the definition, with rearranged as an anagram indicator for terrace

5d Criminal in bog holding either side of loo (5)

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Criminal is the definition, with holding as an indicator to insert LO (either side meaning taking the first and last letters of loo) into FEN (bog): FE(LO)N

6d Fall behind convict (3)

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Double definition, with lag meaning fall behind and also being slang for a convict

10d Reportedly pine for coat (3)

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Coat is the definition, with reportedly as a homophone indicator for FIR (pine)

11d Unfruitful show of hesitation entering steps in wall (7)

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Unfruitful is the definition, with entering as an indicator to insert ER (show of hesitation) into STILE (steps in wall): ST(ER)ILE

13d Rage that is about right (3)

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Rage is the definition, with about as an indicator to insert R (abbreviation for right) into IE (i.e., that is): I(R)E

14d Casually listens and signs up (7)

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Signs up is the definition, with casually as an anagram indicator for listens

17d Love an entrance on the radio (5)

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Love is the definition, with on the radio as a homophone indicator for A DOOR (an entrance)

19d Page roves around (5)

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Page is the definition, with around as an anagram indicator for roves

20d Tilt end (3)

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Double definition, with tip meaning tilt and also meaning end

22d Loudly join young louse (3)

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Young louse is the definition, with loudly as a homophone indicator for KNIT (join)

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