
Easy Cryptic Crossword 2020-02-10

Easy Cryptic Crossword from Simple Daily Puzzles 2020-02-10 (23/23)

Still trying to understand these clues:

  • 12a – Night-club looked grim, having changed hue (11)got it!
  • 21a – Straightforward, but not straight forward, we hear (10)

The clues:

1a – During breaks scatter bread for birds (10)

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Birds is the definition, with during as an indicator that a word for breaks (RESTS) should go around an anagram (indicated by scatter) of BREAD: REDBREASTS

7a – Horrible rogues turning on me (8)

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Horrible is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: GRUESO (turning is an anagram indicator for rogues) + ME (me)

8a – Story time followed by drink (4)

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Story is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: T (bits and pieces clue for time) + ALE (drink)

9a – Shelter king with vegetable (4)

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Vegetable is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: LEE (shelter) + K (king)

10a – Stable men are upset by less rot (7)

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Stable men is the definition, with upset by as an anagram indicator for less rot

12a – Night-club looked grim, having changed hue (11)

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Changed hue is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: DISCO (night-club) + LOURED (looked grim, past tense of lour)

14a – A jumper for the captain? (7)

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Double definition with skipper meaning captain, but also a person who jumps

16a – Powder used in post-natal care (4)

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Cryptic definition; talc is in baby powder

19a – Mark is back in a famous school (4)

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Famous school is the definition (Eton College in Berkshire), with back as a reversal indicator for mark

20a – Suffered anguish in San Diego? (8)

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Suffered is the definition, with anguish as an anagram indicator for San Diego

21a – Straightforward, but not straight forward, we hear (10)

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Straightforward is the definition, but what is the wordplay? Does this sound like “take the fourth right” instead of “go straight forward”?

1d – Rustic part of the lower Urals (5)

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2d – A river with female swans becomes less shallow (7)

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Becomes less shallow is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: DEE (Dee is a river in the United Kingdom) + PENS (female swans)

3d – A chamber in space (4)

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Double definition, with room meaning both chamber and space

4d – Dislike upsetting Rose and Ivan (8)

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Dislike is the definition, with upsetting as an anagram indicator for Rose Ivan

5d – Sum for child, adding one and fifty (5)

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Sum is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: TOT (child) + A (one) + L (roman numeral for fifty)

6d – Royal Frederick is only partially an English king (6)

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English King is the definition, with partially as a hidden word indicator for Roy(al Fred)erick

11d – Traces of strange prediction (8)

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Prediction is the definition, with strange as an anagram indicator for traces of

12d – Knock out facts and figures about a state of the USA (6)

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State of the USA is the definition, with about as an indicator that KO (knock out) is contained in a word for facts and figures (DATA): DA(KO)TA

13d – Studying in a Berkshire town (7)

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Double definition, with Reading being a Berkshire town, and reading meaning studying

15d – Christmas entertainment on tap, perhaps (5)

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Christmas entertainment is the definition, with perhaps as an anagram indicator for on tap

17d – Cold warmth? That’s a fraud (5)

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Fraud is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: C (bits and pieces clue for cold) + HEAT (warmth)

18d – Performer rode madly (4)

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Performer is the definition, with madly as an anagram indicator for rode