
Easy Cryptic Crossword 2020-02-23

Easy Cryptic Crossword from Simple Daily Puzzles 2020-02-23 (24/24)

Still trying to understand these clues:

  • (all good!)

The clues:

1a – Indulgent salesman returns letter (10)

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Indulgent is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: PER (returns is a reversal indicator for REP, meaning salesman) + MISSIVE (letter)

7a – Akin, so it is told (7)

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Double definition, with related meaning akin and told

8a – Audibly – audibly permitted (5)

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Audibly (first) is the definition, with the second audibly as a homophone indicator for ALLOWED (permitted)

10a – Assemble for a religious service (4)

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Double definition, with mass meaning assemble and also being a type of religious service

11a – They make woollen garments – or new net skirt! (8)

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They make woolen garments is the definition, with new as an anagram indicator for net skirt

13a – Little Tommy’s Australian grub? (6)

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Double definition, with tucker (or bush tucker) being a name for indigenous Australian food, and Little Tommy Tucker being a nursery rhyme

15a – Dairy product from a goat? (6)

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Dairy product is the definition, with the rest as a cryptic definition: a goat butts thing with its head, so is a butter

17a – Jump in front of queen’s spaniel (8)

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Spaniel is the definition (Springer spaniel is a dog breed), with the rest as a charades clue: SPRING (jump) + ER (bits and pieces clue for queen, short for Elizabeth Regina)

18a – Discover a place (4)

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Double definition, with spot meaning discover and also meaning a place

21a – Photos of fractures? (5)

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Double definition, with snaps meaning photos and also meaning fractures

22a – Musical effect that’s a lot more fluttery? (7)

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Musical effect is the definition, with fluttery as an anagram indicator for lot more

23a – Travellers in train set out (10)

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Travellers is the definition, with in as an anagram indicator for train set out

1d – What a conjuror does with cards and trees? (5)

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Double definition, with palms being trees; also a conjuror palms cards

2d – She’s in the Samaritans (4) [spoiler title="show answer"]RITA

She is the definition, with in as an anagram indicator for Sama(rita)ns

3d – Medicament required when one has duck to eat? (6)

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Medicament is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: I (looks like a one) + O (duck, a cricket reference meaning zero) + DINE (eat)

4d – Begin as the leading ticket seller? (5,3)

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Begin is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: STAR (leading) + TOUT (ticket seller, like a ticket scalper)

5d – Wild not evil? (7)

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Wild is the definition, and also an anagram indicator for not evil

6d – Maids start becoming playwrights (10)

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Playwrights is the definition, with becoming as an anagram indicator for maids start

9d – Prudence gives misleading directions (10)

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Prudence is the definition, with misleading as an anagram indicator for directions

12d – Poet composing sonnet about New York (8)

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Poet is the definition, with about as an indicator that NY (New York) goes into TENSON (composing is an anagram indicator for sonnet): TEN(NY)SON

14d – Fruit that makes dog rave (7)

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Fruit is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: CUR (dog) + RANT (rave)

16d – Epistle from landlord? (6)

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Double definition, with letter meaning epistle and a landlord being the one who lets a property (letter)

19d – Pokes gently with sticks (5)

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Pokes is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: P (musical notation for piano, meaning gently) + RODS (sticks)

20d – Intend to be niggardly (4)

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Double definition, with mean meaning intend, and also meaning niggardly