
Easy Cryptic Crossword 2021-09-05

Easy Cryptic Crossword from Simple Daily Puzzles 2021-09-05 (26/28)

Still trying to understand these clues:

  • 26a – Neglected matters go by this governing body (3,5)thanks, @JoshuaKosman!

The clues:

1a – Stiff young man hoarding diamonds (4)

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Stiff is the definition, with hoarding as an indicator that D (abbreviation for diamonds) goes into BOY (young man): BO(D)Y

3a – In the morning wild boar is heavenly food (8)

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Heavenly food is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: AM (in the morning) + BROSIA (wild is an anagram indicator for boar is)

9a – Joint in road caused annoyance (7)

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Caused annoyance is the definition, with in as an indicator that ANKLE (joint) goes into RD (abbreviation for road): R(ANKLE)D

10a – Rotter requiring small drink (5)

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Rotter is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: S (abbreviation for small) + WINE (drink)

11a – A boxing match, more or less (5)

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More or less is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: A (a) + BOUT (boxing match)

12a – Comprehend six feet (6)

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Double definition, with fathom meaning comprehend, and also fathom being a unit of measurement equal to six feet

14a – Companion introduced to right sort of plant (6)

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Plant is the definition, with introduced to as an indicator that CH (abbreviation for Companion of Honour) goes into LIEN (right): LI(CH)EN/spoiler]

16a – Outlaw taking shelter in mountain kingdom (6) [spoiler title="show answer"]BHUTAN

Mountain kingdom is the definition, with taking as an indicator that HUT (shelter) goes into BAN (outlaw)

19a – Cave reached when going over river (6)

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Cave is the definition, with going over as an indicator that R (abbreviation for river) goes into GOT TO (reached)

21a – French city scroll, illegible in part (5)

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French city is the definition, with in part as a hidden word indicator for scrol(l ille)gible

24a – Completely vertical (5)

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Double definition, with plumb meaning vertical (like a plumb bob) and also meaning completely (like “you’re plumb crazy”)

25a – Spot new clerk clad in iron (7)

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Spot is the definition, with clad in as an indicator to put RECKL (new is an anagram indicator for clerk) into FE (chemical symbol for iron): F(RECKL)E

26a – Neglected matters go by this governing body (3,5)

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Double definition, with the board being a governing body, and go by the board referring to neglected matters

27a – Prepare to publish current returns (4)

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Prepare to publish is the definition, with returns as a reversal indicator for TIDE (current)

1d – Marine crustacean, a sort of lean crab (8)

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Marine crustacean is the definition, with sort as an anagram indicator for lean crab

2d – Wild dog hiding out? Not entirely (5)

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Wild dog is the definition, with not entirely as a hidden word indicator for hi(ding o)ut

4d – Fielder I’m about to remove (3-3)

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Fielder is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: MI (about is a reversal indicator for I'm) + DOFF (remove)

5d – Some ignore site for further examination (5)

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Further examination is the definition, with some as a hidden word indicator for igno(re sit)e

6d – Extend trip away from home (4,3)

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Extend is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: SPIN (trip, like taking a car for a spin) + OUT (away from home)

7d – Be an accomplice in Lincoln, ending in court (4)

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Be an accomplice is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: ABE (Lincoln) + T (ending in court, last letter of court)

8d – Gay bishop, supple and graceful (6)

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Gay is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: B (chess abbreviation for bishop) + LITHE (supple and graceful)

13d – Does this take the boredom out of saving? (8)

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Cryptic definition; being interested in something is something like the opposite of being bored by it, and saving money can earn you interest on it

15d – Many stir drink excessively (7)

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Drink excessively is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: C (roman numeral for 100, which is many) + AROUSE (stir)

17d – He hugs tree — time for protection on top (6)

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Protection on top is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: HELME (hugs is an indicator to put ELM (a tree) into he) + T (abbreviation for time)

18d – Child’s beginning to get tender chest (6)

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Chest is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: C (child's beginning, first letter of child) + OFFER (tender)

20d – Expressions of gratitude and disapproval are forbidden (5)

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Forbidden is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: TA (expression of gratitude) + BOO (expression of disapproval)

22d – Popular as starter for dinner (5)

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Popular is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: LIKE (as) + D (starter for dinner, first letter of dinner)

23d – Second postman in a row (4)

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Row is the definition, with the rest as a charades clue: S (abbreviation for second) + PAT (referring to the children’s show Postman Pat)

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